Thursday 21 March 2013


Two weeks ago Room4 and Room3 went to Bridge Valley Camp for three days, we did  a lot of activities and I was put in  team3 also there were 4 teams. The activities team3 completed  are Shooting, Archery, Rock Climbing, high ropes and lot more.
My favourite activity was archery because it was so intense. And when we finished and had free time I ran straight to Harry King and said “guess what I got  two bulls eyes and then aimed for the opposite lines target and I was so close to another bulls eye,” and he said “oh nice,”.

One of the best things was the food that we had for lunch, dinner and sort of breakfast. For lunch we had fish and chips and for dinner we had lasagne and salad. For breakfast we had cereal and fruit salad and also toast.

On the second night Richard De Hamel came and taught us about the marine food chain in a puppet show to make it more fun and exciting  and he taught us what it would fell  like if you were under water sinking.

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