Thursday 14 April 2011

Summer Sports

What I really enjoyed about this term was Summer sports.
My favourite activity was Playball, because I kept on getting long hits and home runs and I also showed Cameron (team captain) up. It all started when we versed Mot South; they had 11 players and we only had 10 which meant that one person in our team had to go twice.
So, Cameron, Kase and I were all arguing over who should go twice. Everyone said that I should bat twice because I’ve been making many home runs, but Kase said that Cameron should go twice because he was team captain.
It was Cameron’s turn and we already had 2 people out so it all relied on Cameron. Cameron went to go do his AWESOME bat and got a strike, so he tried again and got another strike, so he tried one last time and got the whole team out and we had to swap sides.
So I went up to Cameron and said, “That’s why everyone wanted me to bat twice!”
That’s why Summer sports was my favourite time of the term.
By Tui

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