This term our schools main focus is 'God is Faithful'. Mr Mathews asked me and a couple of other people to create a poster that includes, 'The big idea - God is Faithful', 'The Key Understanding - Gods Faithfulness is worth celebrating', and 'The Focus Question - What can we celebrate about God?'. So me, Tori, Asher and Risi packed on the task of making the poster.
At first we had to decide on the layout, fonts and colours we're going to use. I said we should write the 'big idea' in block letters, Risi then said it should be written in an arch. Tori decided on the colours and choose a light blue backround with yellow, orange, red and green lettering. We all agreed that our plan looked great and that we should start on the poster.
As we created our poster it was looking better and better, we were really happy with our god work.
When we finished, we all took a step back to look at our poster and it was amazing. Iwas quite surprised that I was part of making it! We were all pleased with it and showed Mr. Mathews and he loved it. We then decided we should put it up on the back wall of the classroom.
I really enjoyed making the poster and I am proud of it. :)
By Karene
I wonder if you could share a photo of it so we could see it- it sounds pretty cool for me.
I especially liked the lapsus linguae (google it) in the first sentence of your third paragraph... - or was it intentional? Dad